Wiener Hofmusikkapelle, Seit 1498. To home page

Celebration of Anton Bruckner's 200th birthday

As part of the mdw's 20BRUCKNER24 series of events



One of Bruckner's most prominent places of activity, the Imperial Court Chapel in Vienna, where he worked as court organist, as a festive ambience for a birthday commemoration: like concentric structures, two organ works by the jubilarian frame an inscribed circle of exquisite vocal, piano and chamber music performances as an outer circle; embedded in this, in turn, is the small inner circle of the two trombone aequals, which solemnly frame the actual centre: Anton Bruckner's inaugural address as lecturer in harmony and counterpoint at the University of Vienna, performed in the original wording by Cornelius Obonya. A commemoration of words and sounds, accompanied by short speeches and thought-provoking impulses.


Admission: free


Anton Bruckner Institut für Chor- und Ensembleleitung sowie Tonsatz in der Musikpädagogik in cooperation with Wiener Hofmusikkapelle

Andrea Pfestorf-Janke
T +43 1 71155-4802

Further information:
Veranstaltungskalender | mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien